WALRC’s Livestock Matters
Two great days in June
Message from Ben and Mike

Calling the sheep industry to ‘Run with Ben’
Tuesday June 25 – 6.30am at the Kojonup Football Oval
to 3249Blind – and make your run count for mental health.
Ben Pettinghill lost his eyesight at age 16 – literally overnight due to a rare genetic syndrome. His best mate, Mike Rolls lost both his legs when at aged 18, he contracted Meningococcal Septicemia. They are coming to WALRC’s Livestock Matters event at Lynley Anderson’s farm on June 25 – as our finale speakers on the day as they share their story and the importance of talking through time times.
Concurrently, Ben is mid-way through his year-long campaign to run 3249km – one kilometre for every death by suicide in 2022. To achieve his goal, he needs to run an average of 9km every day this year. Not bad for a blind bloke.
He needs some mates to run with when he’s in Kojonup. Then, Mike (the legless one!) said he’d happily bring his blades and ‘bring up the rear’ to hang out with those who would rather walk, or don’t reckon they’d keep up with Ben.
So, our invitation is now extended to the sheep industry to join Ben and Mike – and for us to do as many laps around the Kojonup oval as we can, to keep them company. And, as you run shoulder to shoulder with Ben or walk shoulder to shoulder with Mike – there is the opportunity for conversation. Great conversation. And some tough talking if that’s what’s needed to help weather our perfect storm.
So, on June 25 – start and finish the day by talking tough with Ben and Mike.
The run and associated event is brought to you by the WA Livestock Research Council in conjunction with Southern Dirt, SPARK and is supported by the Grower Group Alliance, through funding from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
More information
- Esther Price, WA Livestock Research Council eo@walrc.com.au;
- Sheridan Kowald, Southern Dirt eo@southerndirt.com.au
- Kerryn Mickle, SPARK kerryn.mickle@ruralwest.com.au
- Who the heck are Legless and Blind? See more at reallifereslience.com.au
- How do I find out more about Ben’s mental health campaign? Easy, here at benpettingill.com/3249-blind
- Does it cost to attend? No, but you must tell us you’re coming to keep the caterers sane!
- Why is WALRC doing this? Because it feels like a great opportunity to just come together and do something that is good for mind and body during a season that is testing the best of us. And because it’s good to talk about stuff. That’s what Ben and Mike say!

Livestock Matters Manypeaks
Thursday June 27
10am to 4pm
A day of discussion around innovation and different thinking. From virtual fencing to laser levelling to intensive rotational grazing and innovation in feedbase. There’s something in this for every astute beef producer – not to mention the opportunity to see how two very different beef businesses are making gains.
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